Become A Ministry Partner with Ignite Sisterhoood

Ignite Sisterhood is a women’s development program offered through BDA Development Ministries, Inc., a 501(c)(3) non-profit organization. We believe there is a huge opportunity to reach and help women in our city. Recent research has revealed some startling facts about 21st century women. In summary, women are being pulled in conflicting directions and are beginning to bend and break under the pressures they feel to hold everything and everyone together “perfectly”. Women are becoming more and more dissatisfied with life and have begun expressing a rapidly growing desire for affiliation with a spiritual community and a supportive network. What does this add up to? CLEARLY …a VERY RIPE HARVEST FIELD! On the Southside of Atlanta – in Henry County alone – it is estimated that there are 75,000 women who have NO religious affiliation. We hope to change that!

Our mission is to create inspiring environments that gather women in every season through radical love and reception, with an invitation to sisterhood. We want to foster relationships and communities that nurture potential and trust. This is a chance to be the catalyst God uses to change the course of someone’s life. Our goal is to make these opportunities for connection free and accessible to every woman in our community.

Our evangelism goal for 2016…

To host 4 Community Sisterhood Gatherings – FREE ADMISSION/ Estimated cost of each $2,000.00 = $8,000.00

To host our Annual Undone Conference – FREE ADMISSION/ Estimated cost $8,000.00

To fund these opportunities, it will cost us an estimated $ 16000.00

Help us advance God’s kingdom by mobilizing a company of servant-hearted women compelled by one desire: loving God and loving others.

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