Debbie Farthing

Founder – Ignite Sisterhood

Debbie Farthing is the founder of Ignite Sisterhood and the co-founder, with her husband Bill, of BDA Development Ministries. BDA, also known as Better Days Ahead, is a para-church ministry that exists to come alongside individuals, groups, and churches providing strategic approaches for development and growth. Debbie’s passion is to inspire and empower women to release their potential. She first began helping people as a nurse. After committing her life to Christ in 1995, she knew the Lord was also calling her to minister to women. She earned a degree in Biblical Education, became an ordained minister. as well as a certified Dream Releaser Coach. Debbie has specialized training in Biblical Lay Counseling, Trauma Recovery, and Women’s leadership. She has been faithfully ministering to women since 1995 and is known for delivering motivational messages that move people to action, deepen their commitments, and lead to transformation. She has been married to Bill since 1991 and they have one son, Aaron, who is 19.

Ignite Sisterhood began in a local church as its women’s ministry drawing and uniting women regardless of age, culture, and denominational affiliation. This sparked a growing desire to help bring this culture to even more women. In September 2013, Debbie sensed the Lord calling her to step out and follow this dream.